MUSE Global, an innovative early childhood education franchise founded by James Cameron, Suzy Amis Cameron and Rebecca Amis, has announced a discovery day event in June to present exclusive franchise opportunities for interested investors and owners in California and from around the world. Amis, who is also chief innovation officer for MUSE Global, and MUSE Global CEO Jeff King will share the organization's mission and showcase its programs and facilities in scenic Malibu Canyon.
MUSE Global cofounder and chief innovation officer Rebecca Amis will engage in one-on-one discussions with guests during the event. The event will also include a zero-waste plant-based lunch to highlight MUSE Global's commitment to responsible stewardship.
"This immersive experience is the best way to introduce MUSE Global to anyone who is curious about our innovative approach to early childhood education," Amis said. "They'll learn about our child-centered, passion-based education philosophy and explore our world-class facilities while enjoying the beautiful setting and meeting some of the members of our faculty and staff, who are the embodiment of our mission. Our goal is to inspire some of them to join us in that mission right here in California, where there's an immediate need for more quality early childhood education opportunities."
MUSE Global schools provide effective, child-centered and passion-based education, and instructors are trained in the Process Communication Model to provide enhanced student-instructor engagement. MUSE is the first school in the U.S. to offer a 100% organic, plant-based lunch program, and they offer specialized courses such as Seed-to-Table, Climate Change and Sustainability to encourage stewardship among students.
MUSE Global offers a unique franchising opportunity for ambitious teachers and leaders who want to make a positive impact on their communities. While MUSE Global presents its franchisees a clear roadmap to financial success, the organization is equally dedicated to children, their parents, and the community around them.
"We have a vision and passion for the generation of leaders and innovators that will emerge in the coming years and decades," Amis said. "We're equipping children with the self-efficacy and awareness necessary to cultivate a sustainable future for themselves and the planet. MUSE Global is an incredible opportunity for dynamic, committed educators and entrepreneurs seeking a franchise that will offer financial and professional satisfaction - and will also help shape a better future."
For More Infromation Please contact:
Heather Ripley
Phone: 865-977-1973
Email: [email protected]
MUSE Global News and Press Releases
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