Friday, March 17, 2006
Specialty rooms are being added through remodeling of existing space and are also in the design plans for new homes. Some of the more popular specialty areas include theater rooms, wine cellars, libraries, spas, home offices and gyms. Specialty rooms provide an immediate win for the homeowner by adding value and dramatically transforming the home into a functional living space. "It is every homeowner's dream to have more usable space," says Richardson. "If this is not an option, then the challenge for a designer is to get the most out of an existing space by creating an area that answers the homeowner's needs and complements their individual style." Richardson noted that many of the specialty rooms being designed are similar to the theaters, spas and sport clubs that homeowners frequent. Just as kitchens and bathrooms have evolved over the years, the specialty room is redefining the way we live, work and play at home. For more information, please visit Case Design/Remodeling website at www.casedesign.com; or call1-800-513-2250.
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